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 Adult  Taglines

A fate worse than death:  To be married alive.
A man without a woman is like a neck without pain.
Act as a dumbshit and they'll treat you as equal.
Behind every great man, there is a woman he's running from.
Breast size times I.Q. is constant.
But honey, I wouldn't be up so late on a faster PC!
Computer widow:  Family goes broke watching Dad have fun.
I'm a disfunctional husband of a BBS widow.
I'm as confused as a baby at a topless bar.
If you think women aren't explosive, drop one sometime.
Keep hands off secretary's reproductive equipment!
Man with ice cubes wishes to meet woman with Scotch.
Marriage:  Begging for money for upgrades.
Marriage:  It's not only a word, but a sentence!
Most people deserve each other.
Muggers demand your money or your life; wives demand both.
Not me officer!  I jus' play piano in 'dis whorehouse...
Practice safe government, use kingdoms.
She kept saying I didn't listen to her, or something.
The plural of spouse is spice.
There's at least one fool in every married couple.

Tagline selection:  Random | Wisdom | Humor | Computer | Corporate | Politics || General
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