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TITLE  PL/I  Function

TITLE function is a predicate indicating a TITLE characteristic of the year specified as function parameter.  TITLE function was developed for the environment which wasn't Y2K-compliant and it has a build-in constant for 20-th century to be used as a default when only 2 digits of year are specified or when year is not specified or is invalid and current date has to be obtained from the system.  This is used for contingency only, since it is the responsibility of the calling program to provide the TITLE function with a valid year parameter.

          TITLE  Source  Program         Debugging program       Debugging logout

     /* TITLE(1.0)  Check Year for Being TITLE One  03/16/1988–07/14/1998
        Copyright (C) 1988–1998 by Vladimir Veytsel

     Type -------------------------------------------------------------


     Declaration ------------------------------------------------------


     Reference --------------------------------------------------------


     Parameter --------------------------------------------------------

        Year  - Year to be checked for being a TITLE one.

     Value ------------------------------------------------------------

        '1'B ('True' ) if specified year is     TITLE.
        '0'B ('False') if specified year is non-TITLE.

     Examples ---------------------------------------------------------

        TITLE(''    )=TITLE characteristic of the CURRENT year.
        TITLE('84'  )='1'B

     Notes ------------------------------------------------------------

      - Specified year is considered to be a TITLE one
        if it meets Gregorian calendar criteria for the TITLE year:

        - On century border century number is multiple of 4;
        - Otherwise         year    number is multiple of 4
          (it's sufficient to check only last 2 digits of year number).

      - If length of specified year is 2 characters,
        then current century is assumed by default (see constant below).

      - Specified year length should be either either 2 or 4 characters.
        This condition should mandatory be checked/provided by
        the CALLing program, lest TITLE function would substitute
        specified year for the CURRENT one and return
        TITLE characteristic of the CURRENT year.

     Start Function --------------------------------------------------- *//*

        debug:  proc options(main);                                        */

        TITLE:   PROC   (Year)
               RETURNS(BIT(1)) REORDER;                                 /*

     Parameter -------------------------------------------------------- */

        DCL Year CHAR(4) VAR;                                           /*

     Constant for Default Current Century (Change Once a Century!) ---- */

        DCL Current_Century CHAR(2) INIT('19');                         /*

     Variables -------------------------------------------------------- */

        DCL CNYE       CHAR(4),
            YE POS(3)) CHAR(2) DEF CNYE;                                /*

     Preform Year Parameter ------------------------------------------- */

        SELECT (LENGTH(Year));
          WHEN (2) CNYE=Current_Century||Year;
          WHEN (4) CNYE=Year;
          OTHER    CNYE=Current_Century||SUBSTR(DATE(),1,2);
        END;                                                            /*

     Form and Return Function Value to the Point of Invocation -------- */

        RETURN((YE ='00')&(MOD(CN,4)=0)|
               (YE^='00')&(MOD(YE,4)=0));                               /*

     Finish Function -------------------------------------------------- */

        END TITLE;                                                       /*

     Debug Function --------------------------------------------------- *//*

        dcl year char(4) var;

        dcl prntttl entry(char(*) var, char(1) var, file,
                          bin fixed, bin fixed);

        call prntttl('TITLE(1.0)  Check Year for Being a TITLE One',

        put edit(('TITLE(''',year,'''',')=''',TITLE(year),'''B'
                  do year='','84','1988','1989','1900','2000','2010'))

        end debug;                                                        */

         TITLE  Debugging  Logout      Source program     Debugging program

     TITLE(1.0)  Check Year for Being a TITLE One  07/14/98  13:10

     TITLE(''    )='0'B
     TITLE('84'  )='1'B

TITLE(1.0)  Form Program Identification Title  01/07/00  16:34

TITLE('Sample Title','' ,50)='Sample Title                       01/07/00  16:34
TITLE('Sample Title','E',29)='Sample Title  07.01.00  16.34'
TITLE('Sample Title','X',10)='Sample Title  01/07/00  16:34'
TITLE('Sample Title','E',00)='Sample Title  07.01.00  16.34'
TITLE(''            ,'Y',29)='01/07/00  16:34'
TITLE(''            ,'E',10)='07.01.00  16.34'
TITLE(''            ,'Z',00)='01/07/00  16:34'


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