<!-- Thumbnail List Generation 08/11/2001-03/29/2006 --> <!-- ------------------------------------- 03/29/2006 --> <!-- www.davar.net/THUMBLST.JS --> <!-- Copyright (C) 2001-2006 by Vladimir Veytsel --> <!-- // Generates HTML table of thumbnail list presentation for building picture // albums. Serves mostly as a shorthand to save typing as well as page loading // time by eliminating massive HTML repetitions and enabling easy manipulation // of picture album via its plain text control list (array of picture file names // and picture descriptions). // Table has 6 thumbnail images (120*90) per row for fitting into browser // window at standard 800*600 screen resolution. // The returned value is the HTML text of a table representing picture // thumbnail list to be used in the "document.write". // Vertical split bar "|" is used as parameter delimiter for referencing // PICTURE.HTM that displays the full-size picture. To avoid possible // problems "|" is substituted for "!" in every picture description. // Term "current directory" below is used in relation to *.HTM that uses // THUMBLST.JS to build thumbnail list, not to location of THUMBLST.JS // itself that should normally be at web site root. function THUMBLST(Up_Dir,Dn_Dir,Pict_Lst,Thum_Dir,Pict_Dir) {// Up_Dir - Up directory (PICTURE.HTM dir relative to current dir) // (empty - PICTURE.HTM is in the current directory; // when specified should end with "/", E.g.: "../../") // Dn_Dir - Down directory (relative to PICTURE.HTM location) // that contains *.JS file, thumbnail directory and // picture directory (empty - current directory; when // spec should end with "/", E.g.: "MISCL/CARTOONS/") // Pict_Lst - *.JS file with picture list (in the Dn_Dir) // Thum_Dir - Directory with thumbnail JPGs (in the Dn_Dir) // Pict_Dir - Directory with picture JPGs (in the Dn_Dir) defaultStatus=Picture[0] +" - Select a thumbnail and click it to view the full-size picture" Pict_Total=Picture.length-1 Title=Picture[0].replace(/ /g,"  ")+"  –  "+Pict_Total +"  Picture" if (Pict_Total>1) Title=Title+"s" Table="<CENTER><FONT SIZE=5 COLOR=Red><B><U>"+Title+"</U></B></FONT><BR> " Table=Table +"<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=745><TR><TD VALIGN=Top>" +"<FONT COLOR=Blue>Select a thumbnail with the mouse cursor and left-click it " +"to view the full-size picture." if (navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer") Table=Table +"<BR>Then \"Maximize\" window (middle button at top-right window corner), if necessary." Table=Table +"</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN=Right><FORM><INPUT TYPE=Button VALUE=Help onClick=\"alert('" +"Select a thumbnail with the mouse cursor and left-click it to view the full-size picture. " +"\\n\\nOnce in the full-size picture window, click the big picture to return to picture list, or" +"\\nclick one of the thumbnails \(or buttons\) for circular proximity navigation. As you" +"\\nmove mouse cursor, watch the Status Bar at the bottom of the window - text in it" +"\\ndepends on the cursor position, and either describes selected object, or prompts for" +"\\npossible action. Press [H] key in the full-size picture window to get navigation help." +"\\n\\nTo avoid confusion don\\'t use Windows Task Bar to switch between thumbnail list" +"\\nand full-size picture windows." +"')\"></FORM></TD></TR></TABLE>" if (( navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer")|| ((navigator.appName=="Netscape")&& (Number(navigator.appVersion.substr(0,1))>4))) Table=Table+"<BR>" Table=Table+"<TABLE BORDER=1 BORDERCOLOR=Black CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=2 ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=Silver><TR>" for (i=1;i<Picture.length;i++) {Pict_Name =Picture[i].substr(0,8)+" " Pict_Name =Pict_Name.substr(0,Pict_Name.indexOf(" ")) Pict_Descr="#"+i+"("+Pict_Total+") - "+Picture[i].substr(9).replace(/\|/g,"!") Table=Table+"<TD WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=90 ALIGN=Center VALIGN=Center>" Table=Table+"<A HREF=\"javascript:void(window.open('"+Up_Dir+"PICTURE.HTM?"+i+"|"+Dn_Dir+"|"+Pict_Lst+"|"+Thum_Dir+"|"+Pict_Dir+"|"+Picture[i].substr(9).replace(/ /g,"%20")+"','','resizable,titlebar,menubar,status'))\" " Table=Table+"onMouseOver=\"window.status='"+Pict_Descr+"'; return true\" onMouseOut=\"window.status=''; return true\">" Table=Table+"<IMG SRC='"+Thum_Dir+"/"+Pict_Name+".JPG' ALT=\""+Pict_Descr.replace(/\\\'/g,"'")+"\" BORDER=0></A>" Table=Table+"</TD>" if ((i%6==0)&& // Close complete row of 6 thumbnails (i!=Picture.length)) Table=Table+"</TR>" } if ((Pict_Total>6)&& // Generate empty thumbnail fillers (Pict_Total%6!=0)) // for table row that wasn't closed {for (i=0;i<6-Pict_Total%6;i++) Table=Table+"<TD WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=90> </TD>" Table=Table+"</TR>" } Table=Table+"</TABLE>" if (Comment!="") Table=Table+"<BR><P>"+Comment+"</P>" else Table=Table+"<BR>" Table=Table+"</CENTER>" return Table } //-->