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Index  Generation  JavaScript  for  Random  Song  Selection

RANDSONG JavaScript (stand-alone) is a code insert that generates 4 random indexes used for selection of song names from the predefined sectioned song array representing song play list.  RANDSONG.JS contains a sample of song name array definition and code for random indexes selection.

RANDSONG JavaScript is a stand-alone one, which means that it s kept in a separate RANDSONG.JS file that gets included into HTML <BODY> (normally at its start and always after the the include defining the song array) using the following operator (directory levelling may vary):

Included JavaScript code is executed in place to generate random indexes that are used for song selection in the HTML code below JavaScript insert.


Before reading further you might want to look at explanation of the expression used to generate an integer random number within the specified range.

<!-- Generate Indexes for Random Song Selection  07/27/1999–01/24/2001 -->
<!-- ------------------------------------------------------ 01/24/2001 -->
<!-- www.davar.net/RUSSIAN/SONGS/RANDSONG.JS                           -->
<!-- Copyright (C) 1999–2001 by Vladimir Veytsel                       -->

// RANDSONG is a code insert that is used to generate random indexes for
// selection of song names from sectioned song list.

// Code presumes that the array of song names is declared and initialized.
// Two variables that split song list into three sections should have their
// values assigned as in the example below:

// S=new Array(9)  // Song array (dynamically sized; starts from "0")

// S[1]="Name_1"
// S[2]="Name_2"
// S[3]="Name_3"; Sect_1=3  // End of 1-st section

// S[4]="Name_4"
// S[5]="Name_5"
// S[6]="Name_6"
// S[7]="Name_7"; Sect_2=7  // End of 2-nd section

// S[8]="Name_8"
// S[9]="Name_9"

// As a result of the execution of the code below four random indexes will be
// generated to be used within HTML text for random song selection (using
// "document.write"):

// j0  Random index within entire list that differs from all 3 section indexes
// i1  Random index within 1-st section
// i2  Random index within 2-nd section
// i3  Random index within 3-rd section

// The exhaustive example of section indexes calculation from a random index
// within the entire song array:

// i0  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  Modulo  Incr  Range
// --  - - - - - - - - -  ------  ----  -----
// i1  2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1  % 3       +1  [1–3]
// i2  5 6 7 4 5 6 7 4 5  %(7–3)  +3+1  [4–7]
// i3  9 8 9 8 9 8 9 8 9  %(9–7)  +7+1  [8–9]
//                          | |    |
//                          | |    Last index of PREVIOUS section
//                          | Last index of PREVIOUS section
//                          Last index of CURRENT section

// Warning: If the total number of names in the song list is three,
//          index "i0" will be equal to one of the section indexes.

   Sect_3=S.length-1  // End of 3-rd section and entire list


   i1=(i0% Sect_1)+1                 // Random index within 1-st section
   i2=(i0%(Sect_2-Sect_1))+Sect_1+1  // Random index within 2-nd section
   i3=(i0%(Sect_3-Sect_2))+Sect_2+1  // Random index within 3-rd section

// Random index within the entire list (differs from all 3 section indexes)
   if (Sect_3>3)       // Prevent infinite cycle
      {Valid=false     // Index valid flag
       while (!Valid)  // Repeat until valid index is generated


RANDSONG JavaScript is a special case of a similar generalized RANDPROB.JS JavaScript, which performs the same task of random selection, but operates on a list divided into into any number of sections — a universal approach used for Go Problems list at this web site.

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