<!-- Random Tagline Sample 04/21/1998-02/11/1999 --> <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --> <!-- DAVAR/MISCL/TAGLINES/RANDOM.HTS --> <!-- Copyright (C) 1998-1999 by Vladimir Veytsel --> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Random Tagline (Miscellaneous Selection at Davar Web Site)</TITLE> <META NAME = Description CONTENT="Consulting, Programming, Mainframe, PC, Mathematics, Go, Zen, Quotations, Extracts, Humor, Taglines, Russian"> <META NAME = Keywords CONTENT="Davar Web Site, Tagline, Taglines, Random"> <META NAME=Author CONTENT="Vladimir Veytsel"> <LINK REV =Made HREF ="mailto:Davar@poboxes.com"> </HEAD> <LET T1 ="A man is known <BR> by the silence he keeps...%"> <LET T2 ="All things are difficult <BR> before they are easy.%"> <LET T3 ="Better to understand a little <BR> than to misunderstand a lot.%"> <LET T4 ="Beware of a half truth; <BR> you may be getting <BR> the wrong half.%"> <LET T5 ="Doing it the hard way <BR> is always easier.%"> <LET T6 ="Don't let your <BR> superiors know <BR> you're superior to them.%"> <LET T7 ="Don't listen to what they say, <BR> watch what they do!%"> <LET T8 ="Eternal vigilance <BR> is the price of freedom.%"> <LET T9 ="From listening <BR> comes wisdom, <BR> from speaking, <BR> repentance.%"> <LET T10="He who is good <BR> for making excuses, <BR> is seldom good <BR> for anything else.%"> <LET T11="I saw what you did <BR> and I know who you are.%"> <LET T12="If everything's coming <BR> your way, <BR> you're in the wrong lane.%"> <LET T13="If you don't stand <BR> for something, <BR> you'll fall <BR> for anything.%"> <LET T14="If you trade freedom <BR> for security, <BR> you get neither.%"> <LET T15="Liberty is from God. <BR> Liberties, from the devil.%"> <LET T16="Men fight for freedom, <BR> then pass laws <BR> to take it away.%"> <LET T17="Never argue with a fool - <BR> people might not know <BR> the difference.%"> <LET T18="Patience and time do more <BR> than strength or passion.%"> <LET T19="Professionals built <BR> the Titanic. <BR> Amateurs built the Ark.%"> <LET T20="Small is beautiful.%"> <LET T21="Spare yourself <BR> many hard falls; <BR> don't jump <BR> to conclusions.%"> <LET T22="The best lessons <BR> are learned by doing, <BR> or at least trying.%"> <LET T23="The best solution <BR> uses the fewest <BR> assumptions.%"> <LET T24="The best way to save face <BR> is to keep the lower part shut.%"> <LET T25="The scenery only changes <BR> for the lead dog.%"> <LET T26="Those who won't think <BR> will have it done for them.%"> <LET T27="Watch where you go... <BR> remember where <BR> you've been...%"> <LET T28="We are not beaten <BR> when we loose, <BR> we're beaten <BR> when we quit.%"> <LET T29="What you don't do <BR> is always more important <BR> than what you do do.%"> <LET T30="Whenever anyone promises <BR> heaven on earth, <BR> expect hell.%"> <LET T31="Wisdom is knowing <BR> when to avoid perfection.%"> <LET T32="You can't win. <BR> You can't break even. <BR> You can't even quit the game.%"> <LET Total=32> <!-- Current total number of taglines in the above list --> <!-- Get next tagline index (non-repeatable for previous 8) --> <!-- (logic below is necessary to minimize the response time) --> <LET Cnt=Total> <!-- Attempts reverse counter --> <LET K=Cnt/4*3> <!-- Number of purely random attempts --> <LET L=Cnt/4> <!-- Number of "+1" incremental attempts --> <LET Valid=0> <!-- Index valid (non-repeatable) flag --> <WHILE Valid EQ 0> <!-- Repeat until valid index is generated --> <IF Cnt GE K> <!-- Attempts counter is within "random" range --> <LET I=((dyn_tm_min*dyn_tm_sec) MOD Total)+1> <!-- Get index at random --> </IF> <IF Cnt LT L> <!-- Attempts counter is within "incremental" range --> <LET I=((I+1) MOD Total)+1> <!-- Get "+1" incremental after previous --> </IF> <LET J=1> <!-- "arg1" is HTMLScript name, parameters start with "arg2" --> <WHILE J LE 9> <!-- Compare new index with 8 previously saved as arguments --> <LET J=J+1> <IF arg&[J] EQ I> <LET Found=1> <!-- Index is found among 8 previously saved --> </IF> </WHILE> <IF Found EQ 0> <LET Valid=1> <!-- New index is valid (not among 8 previous) --> </IF> <LET Cnt=Cnt-1> <!-- Decrement the attempts reverse counter --> <IF Cnt LE 0> <!-- Limit number of attempts to number of taglines --> <LET I=Total/2> <IF "&[arg2]" NE ""> <LET I=((&[arg2]+1) MOD Total)+1> <!-- Get next sequential index --> </IF> <!-- to previously displayed --> <LET Valid=1> </IF> </WHILE> <LET J=("%" IN T&[I])-2> <!-- Get tagline text length - 1 --> <LET Letter=(T&[I] SUBSTR "1,1")> <!-- Get tagline first letter --> <LET Text =(T&[I] SUBSTR "2,&[J]")> <!-- Get tagline remaining text --> <LET J=((dyn_tm_min*dyn_tm_sec) MOD 9)+1> <BODY BACKGROUND="../../PAPER&[J]00.JPG" BGCOLOR=White TEXT=Black LINK=Blue ALINK=Fuchsia VLINK=Purple> <FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE=3> <CENTER> <!-- Arguments (1-9): "&[arg1]" "&[arg2]" "&[arg3]" "&[arg4]" "&[arg5]" "&[arg6]" "&[arg7]" "&[arg8]" "&[arg9]"<BR> --> <I> <!-- Get next random tagline link (saves history as argument queue) --> <BLINK><FONT COLOR=Red><B>Next</B></FONT></BLINK> <A HREF="RANDOM.HTS?&[I]+&[arg2]+&[arg3]+&[arg4]+&[arg5]+&[arg6]+&[arg7]+&[arg8]"> <BR>Random tagline sample </A> <BR>  <TABLE BORDER=5 BACKGROUND="../../PAPER0&[J]0.JPG"> <TR><TD><CENTER><I><FONT SIZE=7 COLOR=Red><B> &[Letter]</B></FONT> <FONT SIZE=7>&[Text]</FONT> </I> </CENTER> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <BR> <FONT COLOR=Green>Go to:</FONT>  <A HREF="../../home.htm">Davar site entry</A> <FONT COLOR=Green>|</FONT> <A HREF="../../DIRECT.HTM">Site directory</A> <FONT COLOR=Green>|</FONT> <A HREF="../../INDEX.HTM">Site index</A> <FONT COLOR=Green>|</FONT> <A HREF="../MISCL.HTM">Miscellaneous</A> <FONT COLOR=Green>|</FONT> <A HREF="TAGLINES.HTM">Tagline selection</A> </I> </CENTER> </FONT> </BODY> </HTML>